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Saputo Dairy Australia extends its partnership with Foodbank

10 May 2024

Saputo Dairy Australia (SDA) is pleased to confirm its national partnership with Foodbank has been renewed for a further two years, to help ensure the food relief organisation can provide a consistent supply of fresh milk to the many Australians doing it tough.

Foodbank Australia CEO, Brianna Casey, said, “We know more than 3.7 million households struggled to put a meal on the table in the past year. Foodbank relies on the invaluable support of our partners like Saputo Dairy Australia to meet the increasing demand for nutritious food and groceries. Saputo have been donating fresh milk to Foodbank for over a decade and its committed support is making a difference in communities across the country.”

SDA Commercial Director, Cameron Bruce, said, “SDA looks forward to continuing to deliver on our community commitments, working alongside Australia’s biggest hunger relief charity to provide dairy nutrition to those who need a hand.”

“We remain committed to supporting Foodbank with our fresh milk donations, discounted long life milk and dairy products. With our long history of giving back to the communities where our employees live and work, and with the current cost of living challenges, this partnership with Foodbank is a valuable way for us to support families in need,” he said.

SDA is a long-time partner of Foodbank, contributing dairy products that help support thousands of frontline charities since 2011. In 2023, SDA’s support provided the equivalent of 594,100 meals for people experiencing hardship and 8,400kg of other grocery items.

SDA further supports the efforts of Foodbank through its employee volunteering program, with its Melbourne team members recently lending a hand at Foodbank Victoria in Yarraville.

According to Foodbank1, Australia is in a food security crisis, where 48 per cent of the population feels anxious about or struggles to access food consistently.

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1 Foodbank Hunger Report 2023

A photo of a Foodbank snapshot which shows Saputo helped contribute 92 million meals to people in need.

Media Inquiries

About Foodbank
At Foodbank we believe everyone should have access to good food. We’re here for the everyday Australians who are going without. We are working hard to change that. In Australia we work with 2,844 frontline charities and 3,792 school breakfast programs to source the equivalent of 92 million meals for those who could use a hand.
For more information, please visit

About Saputo Dairy Australia
Saputo Dairy Australia produces, markets and distributes a wide range of high quality dairy and non-dairy products for the domestic and international markets including cheese, dairy alternative cheese, fluid milk, extended shelf-life milk and cream products, cultured products and dairy ingredients. Saputo is a leading dairy processor in Australia and is part of Saputo Inc., one of the top ten dairy processors in the world. Saputo Dairy Australia products are sold in several countries under well-known brand names such as Caboolture, CHEER™, Cracker Barrel*, Devondale, Great Ocean Road, King Island Dairy, Liddells, Mersey Valley, MG Ingredients, Mil Lel, Sheese, South Cape, Sungold and Tasmanian Heritage.
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*Cracker Barrel is a registered trademark of Lactalis Heritage Dairy used under licence.