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Saputo Dairy Australia team cleans up Allansford school

25 July 2024

Year 5 students at Allansford and District Primary School can look around the schoolyard with more pride, following a Clean Up Australia Day activity alongside five Saputo Dairy Australia (SDA) employees.

Clean Up Australia Day sees Aussies across the country donate their time to help improve the environment in which they work, live and play.

Allansford and District Primary School Principal, Wesley Allen, said the timing of SDA’s school visit was “perfect”.

“Our students were researching waste reduction in the lead-up to the visit from SDA’s environment and research and development teams,” Wesley said.

“Before the rubbish cleanup, the SDA team showed our students a short presentation about the evolving work its Allansford team is carrying out in the environmental and packaging space.”

After their dedicated work to collect rubbish across the school yard, students were treated to some delicious dairy products.

SDA Regional Operations Manager (West), Grant Hutcheson, was pleased his colleagues returned to the school after more than 30 local employees helped clean up the school and the surrounding area last year.

“Regularly organising events where we clean up and support our local community is part of the Community Pillar of our Saputo Promise – our ongoing commitment to give back to the regions where we operate,” he said.

This activity further highlights SDA’s ongoing local community engagement following its recent partnership with Eat Up to prepare meals for those in need across Allansford and western Victoria.

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A photo of a Saputo Dairy Australia employee, Tim Sheldon, cleaning up rubbish.

SDA employee Tim Sheldon picking up rubbish.

About Saputo Dairy Australia

Saputo Dairy Australia produces, markets and distributes a wide range of high quality dairy and non-dairy products for the domestic and international markets including cheese, dairy alternative cheese, fluid milk, extended shelf-life milk and cream products, cultured products and dairy ingredients. Saputo is a leading dairy processor in Australia and is part of Saputo Inc., one of the top ten dairy processors in the world. Saputo Dairy Australia products are sold in several countries under well-known brand names such as Caboolture, CHEER™, Cracker Barrel*, Devondale, Great Ocean Road, King Island Dairy, Liddells, Mersey Valley, MG Ingredients, Mil Lel, Sheese, South Cape, Sungold and Tasmanian Heritage. Visit us online: |

*Cracker Barrel is a registered trademark of Lactalis Heritage Dairy used under licence.

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