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3,127 sandwiches made for hungry kids

Fifty employees from our Melbourne office partnered with charity Eat Up to help tackle food insecurity by preparing sandwiches for local school children in need.

The collaboration was part of The Big Cook Up, a company-wide initiative which allows us to proudly partner with local charities, while also encouraging our employees to actively engage with our communities.

Over two hours, the team prepared 3,127 sandwiches using delicious Devondale butter and CHEER cheese. Eat Up has already distributed the sandwiches across its network of schools, providing much needed lunches for hungry kids.

Stephanie Godfrey, Head of Project Management Office and Commercialisation, said, “I’m glad to be working for a company that gives back and invests in those less fortunate in this way.”

What an incredible achievement from our Melbourne team and Eat Up!

A photo of Bridget Gould who is making a sandwich for the Eat Up charity.

A photo of Bridget Gould who is making a sandwich for the Eat Up charity.